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    A self-propagating unit of cultural evolution having a resemblance to the gene (the unit of genetics).

    Thursday, July 10, 2008

    Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Fake Crystal Skulls

    This image of a video filmed by the Chinese police and aired on Chinese TV channels shows a 28-year-old Beijing native who allegedly killed five police officers at a Shanghai police station.

    Less than three months after the Quai Branly Museum in Paris discovered that a crystal skull once proclaimed as a mystical Aztec masterpiece was a fake, it is now the turn of the British Museum and the Smithsonian Institution to find they were victims of skull-duggery.

    Scientists from those two prestigious institutions on Wednesday said their crystal skulls were cut, honed and polished by tools of the industrial age, not by Mesoamerican craftsmen of yore.

    "The skulls under consideration are not pre-Columbian. They must surely be regarded as of relatively modern manufacture," they say.

    "Each skull was probably worked not more than a decade before it was first offered for sale."

    The skulls became star exhibits in all three museums long before the Indiana Jones movie, "The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," hit the movie screens this year.

    The superstitious deemed them part of a collection of 12 skulls, endowed with healing or mystical powers, that dated back to the ancient culture of Central America.

    Reuniting all 12 skulls, together with a putative 13th, would conjure up a massive power that would prevent the Earth from tipping over on December 21 2012, the "doomsday" in the Mayan calendar, according to one fable.

    Legend-lovers had a bad day on April 18 when the Quai Branly said it had found grooves and perforations in its 11-centimetre-high quartz skull revealing the use of "jewellery burrs and other modern tools."


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